Pressure washers have been used to keep many things clean and maintained within different government agencies. Municipality, County and State department of public works clean their road maintenance equipment and vehicles to remove road salt and dirt that can damage the equipment and rust out a truck body prematurely. Recreation departments remove unwanted and unsightly graffiti in playground and ball court areas. Water and Sewer Authorities clean their pump stations and clarifier tanks to help maintain their expensive pumps and tanks. County Landfills are very dirty and dusty environments and pressure washers and misting systems help to wash and control the dust and dirt from damaging the heavy equipment and vehicles. State department of corrections use hot water pressure washers for cleaning their prison kitchen areas and even sanitize jail cells between prisoner transfers to avoid the spread of disease. The cost of our military vehicles is in the millions of dollars and keeping the equipment clean is critical. AQUATECH-USA has supplied all branches of the military with pressure washing systems, water recycle systems and automatic parts washers for many years both domestically and overseas.
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